Casterton Sep 15th, 2020
Trial #1 - 1300m (Hand-timed: 1-23.83)
4th - PENTIRE BOY (D Yendall / M Williams) Gold, Red/Black cap
3rd - FLINTOFFKING (D Bates / L Smith) Yellow, Blue
1st - CAPTAINZWAYZE (K Bohorun / T Gilchrist) Yellow, Black spots, sleeves, Blue Cap
5th - PERISCOPE (M Julius / P Ryan) Fluro yellow, ATB, Blue cap
2nd - ROYAL PERFORMANCE (C Caserta / L Smith) Orange
Trial #2 - 1300m (Hand-timed: 1-24.16)
3rd - GOLDEN FLAG (C Caserta / P Ryan) Pink, Blue diagonals
5th - COUNT ZERO (M Julius / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
1st - TRAP FOR FOOLS (D Bates / L Smith) Yellow, Blue
4th - LADY ELEANOR (K Bohorun / P Ryan) Maroon, Gold checks
2nd - CONFUSION (D Yendall / M Williams) Gold, Red/Black cap
Trial #3 - 880m (Hand-timed: 54.67)
2nd - EPIC GREY (C Caserta / L Smith) Orange
6th - SERIOUSLY UNUSUAL (H Norman / M Price & M Kent) Green
4th - EQUINE PHILOSPHER (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent) Gold
5th - RHEE'S REWARD (K Bohorun / D Bowman) White, Red band
3rd - GOLDEN HALO (D Bates /D Bowman) Red, White band
1st - BIG REEL (M Julius / M McKenzie) Maroon, Blue sash
Trial #4 - 880m (Hand-timed: 55.94)
1st - ROLLS (C Caserta / L Smith) Orange
6th - SOPHIE'S REVENGE (M Julius / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
3rd - LOVE ON SUNDAY (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent) Gold
4th - BOROMIR (H Norman / M Williams) Green
5th - SET TO FIGHT (K Bohorun / D Bowman) White, Red band
2nd - LUXITORAH (D Bates / D Bowman) Red, White band
7th - DELIGHTFUL CHOICE x COCOA TYCOON (C Ferguson / J Bull) Blue, Yellow hoop, sleeves
Trial #5 - 880m (Hand-timed: 55.72)
2nd - THE CURE (D Bates / L Smith) Yellow, Blue
5th - DONDSEKA (C Caserta / L Smith) Orange
1st - BETHPAGE (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent) Gold
3rd - SPRINGBREAK (H Norman / M Price & M Kent) Green
6th - TOM'S SHOUT (C Ferguson / P Young) Green, White squares, Blue sleeves
7th - ALLIBOR (M Julius / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
4th - MAZY MOTION (K Bohorun / P Ryan) Fluro Yellow ATB
Trial #6 - 880m (Hand-times: 58.13)
1st - ONE SMALL STEP (C Caserta / L Smith) Orange
2nd - SUKER (D Bates / L Smith) Yellow, Blue
7th - ORCUS (H Norman / M Price & M Kent) Green
3rd - THE DEC (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent) Gold
4th - SMILER MARSHALL (M Julius / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
5th - SWING KING (K Bohorun / P Chow) Green, Blue braces, Yellow hooped sleeves
6th - GOLDEN ABLE (S Baxter / P Ryan) Pink, Black braces
Trial #7 - 880m (Hand-times: 56.15)
3rd - OUTFLANK (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent) Gold
2nd - RENOUF (H Norman / M Williams) Green
5th - LITERATI (M Julius / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
4th - LA TESORA (C Caserta / C Chandler) Purple, Yellow star
6th - RUTH'S GIRL (K Bohorun / P Chow) Green, Blue braces, Yellow hooped sleeves
1st - RUE ROYALE (D Bates / A Chambers) Blue, Green, White sleeves
Trial #8 - 880m (Hand-times: 55.14)
1st - FRONDEUR (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent) Gold
7th - FRENCH MOON (M Julius / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
5th - MISS CAVENDISH (C Ferguson / P Young) White, Green squares, Blue sleeves
4th - DISSIDENT x DE SWEET SOCA SONG (C Caserta / P Chow) Green, Blue braces, Yellow hooped sleeves
3rd - GARRIGUE (D Bates / A Chambers) Blue, Green/White sleeves
2nd - LONGDUAN (K Bohorun / P Ryan) Red, White epaulettes
6th - SO EMPRESSIVE (H Norman / M Williams) Green
Casterton August 31st, 2020
Trial #1 - 1300m (Hand-timed: 1-24.75)
4th - KHEZERABAD (K Bohorun / A Purcell) Purple & Gold
3rd - GOLDEN FLAG (C Casserta / P Ryan) Pink & Blue Diagonals
1st - LE BAOL (D Bates / L Smith) Yellow, Blue sleeves
2nd - PONTIAC BOY (D Yendall / M Williams) Gold
Trial #2 - 880m (Hand-timed: 56.20)
2nd - HEPTAGON (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Gold
3rd - MAI SHINY CHOICE (J Lloyd / M Williams) Light Green
5th - MOOR WANTED (M Julius / P Chow) Blue, Green, Yellow hoops
4th - WENTWOOD (P Hall / M Raymond) Pink, Lime sash, White Cap
7th - EURO FLASH (K Bohorun / D Bowman) Pink, Grey sash
6th - GOLDEN HALO (A Kelly / D Bowman) Red & White
1st - CAPRICCIO (D Bates / D Bowman) Lime Green
Trial #3 - 880m (Hand-timed: 57.20)
6th - SERIOUSLY UNUSUAL (H Norman / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Dark Green
3rd - EQUINE PHILOSOPHER (J Lloyd / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Light Green, Red Cap
5th - DELAGO DELUXE x TORAH (A Kelly / D Bowman) Red & White
2nd - EARLY PLEA (D Bates / D Bowman) Lime Green
1st - KAZIO (K Bohorun / A Purcell) Purple & Gold
4th - GUATEMALA (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Gold
7th - CHICKEN FRIED (M Julius / T Cottier) Pink Blue star
Trial #4 - 880m (Hand-timed: 55.15)
7th - SO IMPRESSIVE (H Norman / M Williams) Dark Green
6th - LOVE ON SUNDAY (J Lloyd / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Light Green, Red Cap
3rd - RHEE'S REWARD (A Kelly / D Bowman) White & Red
4th - JO JO EXPRESS (D Bates / D Bowman) Lime Green
2nd - BETTER HARDEN UP (D Yendall /M Price & M Kent Jnr) Gold
1st - WAR NA BOOL (M Julius / J Madden) Green, Pink sleeves
5th - EGYPTIAN GOLD (C Casserta / L Smith) Orange
8th - DALE'S ROCKET (K Bohorun / D Kolpin) Yellow, Black
Trial #5 - 880m (Hand-timed: 55.80)
1st - CAPTAINZWAYZE (K Bororun / T Gilcrist) Yellow, Black dots
2nd - WAR LADY (H Norman / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Dark Green
6th - STREET BABY (D Bates / D Bowman) Green
5th - NOTEBOOK (A Kelly / D Bowman) Red & White
3rd - ONE SMALL STEP (C Casserta / L Smith) Orange
7th - BOROMIR (J Lloyd / M Williams) Light Green, Red cap
4th - BETHPAGE (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Gold
Casterton August 10th, 2020
Trial #1 - 1000m (Hand-timed: 61.34)
2 - Shamal Lass (S. Wilde / M. Julius) Pink
5 - Vin De Dance (S. Wilde / R. Short) Grey & Pink
4 - Gailo Chop (M. Williams / D. Yendall) Yellow
3 - Harbour Views (M. Williams / M. Rodd) Green
1 - Begood Toya Mother (D. Bowman / D. Bates) Red White Band
6 - Khezerabad (A. Purcell / K. Bohorun) Purple & Yellow
Trial #2 - 1000m (Hand-timed: 62.39)
4 - Kellstorm (S. Wilde / R. Short) Grey & Pink
5 - Windupgirl (J. Bull / D. Bates) Blue & Gold
1 - Minatory (P. Ryan / C. Casserta) Flouro Yellow
3 - Elegant Tycoon (A. Purcell / K. Bohorun) Purple & Yellow
2 - Tavi Hill (Price/Kent / D. Yendall) Yellow
Trial #3 - 880m (Hand-timed: 57.41)
5 - Reykjavik (L. Smith / M. Rodd) Yellow & Blue Sleeves
2 - Adelaide Ace (L. Smith / S. Jackson) Black, Orange Star
3 - The King (L. Smith / D. Bates) Orange
1 - Inn Keeper (S. Wilde / R. Short) Grey & Pink
6 - Nordic Symphony (S. Wilde / M. Julius) Pink
4 - Elleofadeel (P. Ryan / C. Casserta) Pink & Blue Diagonals
Trial #4 - 880m (Hand-timed: 56.53)
3 - Royal Performance (L. Smith / C. Casserta) Orange
6 - Sandbanks (L. Smith / S. Jackson) Black, Orange Star
4 - Clever Approach (L. Smith / M. Rodd) Yellow & Blue Sleeves
8 - Better Harden Up (Price/Kent / D. Yendall) Yellow
2 - Foxy's Star (M. Williams / H. Norman) Green
1 - Piccadilly Street (S. Wilde / M. Julius) Pink
5 - Stigwood (S. Wilde / R. Short) Grey & Pink
7 - Culily Ace (D. Bowman / D. Bates) Red & White Bands
Trial #5 - 880m (Hand-timed: 55.35)
6 - The Cure (L. Smith / M. Rodd) Yellow & Blue Sleeves
3 - Mystical Moment (L. Smith . C. Casserta) Orange
7 - Khan of Khans (L. Smith / S. Jackson) Black, Orange Star
5 - Battlecruiser (Price/Kent / H. Norman) Green
4 - Ornamental Lady (D. Bowman / D. Bates) Red, White Bands
2 - Delago Deluxe x Torah (D. Bowman / K. Bohorun) White, Red Band
1 - Ruby Eyes (M. Williams / D. Yendall) Yellow
Trial #6 - 880m (Hand-times: 56.75)
7 - Bunbury Nights (S. Wilde / R. Short) Grey & Pink
5 - The Garden (S. Wilde / M. Julius) Pink
1 - Shock and Awe (L. Smith / M. Rodd) Yellow & Blue Sleeves
4 - Find your Man (L. Smith / S. Jackson) Black, Orange Star
2 - Tuvalu (L. Smith / C. Casserta) Orange
3 - Honour de Hero (D. Bowman / K Bohorun) White, Red Bands
6 - Deep Field x Filming (D. Bowman / D. Bates) Red, White Bands
Trial #7 - 880m (Hand-times: 57.52)
6 - Sumo (D. Bowman / K. Bohorun) White, Red Bands
2 - Schismatic (D. Bowman / D. Bates) Red, White Bands
3 - Kuroshio x Haley's Thunder (L. Smith / M. Rodd) Yellow & Blue Sleeves
7 - Helmet x All Tied Up (L. Smith / S. Jackson) Black, Orange Star
4 - Regal Ruler (L. Smith / C. Casserta) Orange
8 - Redwood Shadow (M. Williams / H. Norman) Green
1 - Span Girl (M. Williams / D. Yendall) Yellow
5 - Artie Schiller x Beijing Bound (S. Wilde / M. Julius) Pink
Trial #8 - 880m (Hand-times: 55.79)
1 - Tydeus (L. Smith / M. Rodd) Yellow & Blue Sleeves
5 - Spirit of Boom x Inthemix (L. Smith / C. Casserta) Orange
6 - Sheza Fritza (L. Smith / S. Jackson) Black, Orange Star
2 - Pink
3 - Black, White band sleeves
4 - (Q. Scott / R. Short) Black, White Maltese Cross
Casterton July 14th, 2020
Trial #1 - 880m (Hand-timed Last: Not time due to fog)
3rd - UMCULO (D Bates / A Chambers) Blue, Green hoops
1st - ROYAL EXIT (D Yendall / M Williams) Gold
2nd - CHAMPAGNE WITNESS (J Lloyd / M Williams) Light Green
7th - LEON COUNTY (B Thomas-Rantall / R Daniel) Purple, red star
5th - EL FOR EFFORT (R Short / S Wilde) Grey
4th - MAINCOURT (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Pink
6th - MIGHTY GANGES (K Bohorun / A Purcell) Purple, Gold
Trial #2 - 880m (Hand-timed: No time due to fog)
MUTINOUS (H Norman / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Dark Green
LITCHFIELD COUNTY (J Lloyd / M Williams) Light Green
BARBIE DEE (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Pink
HOST x ???? (R Short / S Wilde) Grey
1st ROCK OF KRYTONITE (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Gold
5th - ZESTY BOY (D Bates / J Bull) Blue, Gold hoops
Trial #3 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 57.54)
4th - RUBRICA (Jaden Lloyd / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Light Green
1st - DOMINION DANCER (Dean Yendall / Matthew Williams) Gold
2nd - WINDUPGIRL (Declan Bates / James Bull) Blue, Gold hoops
6th - CHEH CHEH CHARLIE (Brad Thomas-Rantall / Ron Daniel) Purple, Red Star
5th - BAZINI (Josh Cartwright / Symon Wilde) Pink
3rd - MINATORY (Ronan Short / Pat Ryan) Fluro Yellow ATB mono
Trial #4 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 57.10)
2nd - SHAKAM (Dean Yendall / Matthew Williams) Gold
1st - BET RED (Jaden Lloyd / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Light Green
4th - HAVALILY (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey
3rd - FIZZAR (Josh Cartwright / Symon Wilde) Pink
Trial #5 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 57.20)
1st - ZERO DOUBT (Dean Yendall / Matthew Williams) Gold
3rd - ATOMIC ROCK (Jaden Lloyd / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Light Green
5th - VESNINA (Brad Thomas-Rantall / Ken Elford) Blue, White hooped sleeves
2nd - STRATEGIC FORCE (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey
4th - GINNY ANN (Josh Cartwright / Symon Wilde) Pink
Casterton June 29th, 2020
Trial #1 - 880m (Hand-timed Last 800m 57.98)
8th - LUNATIC (B Small / D McCabe) Maroon, Gold Hoops
3rd - ROYAL EXIT (T Duynhoven / M Williams) Green Yellow
4th - CHAMPAGNE WITNESS (K Norman / M Williams) Yellow
2nd - DOMINION DANCER (D Yendall / M Williams) Green
1st - OCEAN BEYOND (D Bates / D Bowman) White, Red Band
6th - MAGNUS x STORMY PRINCESS (S Jackson / D Bowman) Red, White Band
5th - CANFORD CLIFFS x ??? (M Julius / S Wilde) Pink
7th - MAINCOURT (R Short / S Wilde) Grey, Pink
Trial #2 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 54.80)
3rd - WANDO BEL (V Hutchinson / D Kolpin) Yellow, Black
4th - TAN CHECK (S Bull / J Bull) Blue, Gold Hoops
1st - GIGANTIC EFFORT (D Bates / D Bowman) White, Red Band
6th - PAUL'S REGRET (B Small / P Chow) Green, Blue, Yellow
8th - PRINTMAKER (R Short / S Wilde) Grey, Pink
7th - PERONNE (M Julius / S Wilde) Pink
5th - RIVET (M Rodd / L Smith) Yellow, Blue
2nd - KASPERSKY (S Jackson / L Smith) Orange
Trial #3 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 57.14)
2nd - RUBRICA (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Green
1st - ATOMIC ROCK (H Norman / M Williams) Yellow
7th - GRAND YORK (R Short / S Wilde) Grey & Pink
6th - PICCADILY STREET (M Julius / S Wilde) Pink
4th - TYPHOON MOON (D Bates / D Bowman) White, Red Band
5th - SIDEWALK SINNER (B Small / D Bowman) Green, Blue, Yellow
8th - ISONOMISS (S Jackson / L Smith) Orange
3rd - TINTINWIN (M Rodd / L Smith) Yellow, Blue
Trial #4 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 55.84)
1st - COMPOSED LEGEND (B Small / P Chow) Blue, Green, Yellow
4th - STELLAR WITNESS (R Short / S Wilde) Grey, Pink
6th - TANGO GOLD (H Norman / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Yellow
5th - UNDOUBTEDLY SO (D Yendall / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Green
2nd - ZERO DOUBT (T Duynhoven / M Williams) Green & Gold
8th - WINDUP GIRL (S Bull / J Bull) Blue, Gold
3rd - UMCULO (D Bates / A Chambers) Blue, Green Hoops
7th - EPAULETTE x PERFECT FINISH (M Rodd / L Smith) Yellow, Blue
Trial #5 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 57.54)
1st - AASIRA (M Rodd / L Smith) Yellow & blue
3rd - MARVELLOUS MAY (M Julius / S Wilde) Pink
5th - SWINGING BACHELOR x HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT (R Short / P Chow) Blue, Green, Yellow
4th - JESTER MONTY (G Chantler / K Edwards) Blue, Black Shamrock
2nd - FEARGAL (D Bates / J Baker) Light Blue, Red Star
6th - RUTH'S GIRL (B Small / P Chow) Teal, Blue Shamrock
Trial #6 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 55.88)
4th - SAVVY BOY - (M Julius / S Wilde) Pink
3rd - LOTS OF ATTENTION (R Short / S Wilde) Grey & Pink
2nd - FOUR OUTLAWS (V Hutchinson / M O'Leary) Yellow, red stripes
1st - LEILA'S STAR (B Small / P Chow) Teal, blue shamrock
Casterton Sep 16th, 2019
Trial #1 - 880m (Hand-timed: 58.14)
4th - LUNA FOX (Jarrod Lorensini / Terry O'Sullivan) Pink, Blue squares Red Cap
5th - SIVAR (Declan Bates / Peter Lafferty) White, Red hoop
1st - MASTER OF DESIGN x SPRINGALON (K Bohorun / Patrick Ryan) Pink & blue, red cap
3rd - MASTER OF DESIGN x BASIC INSTINCT (Jacob Opperman / Patrick Ryan) Pink & blue, black cap
2nd - SMART TIME (Shane Jackson / Jarrod McLean) Lime, pink diamonds
7th - GO IT ALONE (Brendan Eccles / Jarrod McLean) Maroon & blue
6th - (by) SPRITZIG (R Gilchrist / T Gilchrist) Blue, black cap
Trial #2 - 880m (Hand-timed: 60.30)
4th - STRATEGIC SPICE (Geoff O'Loughlin / Belinda O'Loughlin) Lime green, purple spots
3rd - RODDANDTODD (Declan Bates / Daniel Bowman) Blue, yellow diamonds
6th - INN KEEPER (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey, pink band
5th - THE MALLEE MOB (Jarrod Lorensini / Terry & Karina O'Sullivan) Pink, blue squares, red cap
2nd - SACRED THEME (Jacob Opperman / Jarrod Opperman) Maroon & blue, black cap
1st - TRAP FOR FOOLS (Shane Jackson / Jarrod McLean) Lime, pink diamonds
Trial #3 - 880m (Hand-timed: 57.25)
1st - ARDEEO (Jarrod Lorensini / Terry & Karina O'Sullivan) Pink & blue squares, red cap
4th - THE LITTLE BOY (Jess Constantine / Jess Constantine) Pink, white cap
7th - RAG MAC (Shane Jackson / Jarrod McLean) Lime, pink diamond
2nd - WISH I MIGHT (Jacob Opperman / Jarrod McLean) Maroon, blue & black cap
3rd - BEL ROBBIE (Declan Bates / Daniel Bowman) Blue, yellow diamonds, dark cap
6th - HALIMAE (Geoff O'Loughlin / Belinda O'Loughlin) Lime green, purple diamond
8th - AURUM DROMOS (Melissa Julius / Symon Wilde) Purple gold stripes, dark cap
5th - HEAVENLY BARB (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey pink band
Trial #4 - 880m (Hand-timed: 58.24)
3rd - DAY ON THE DRINK (Melissa Julius / Daniel Bowman) Black
2nd - GINNY ANN (Declan Bates / Symon Wilde) Purple gold stripes
7th - MAGNUS EQUUS (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey, pink band
1st - BOSS CONI (Jarrod Lorensini / Terry & Karina O'Sullivan) Pink & blue squares
5th - COULD BE ARMEDUS (Jess Constantine / Jess Constantine) Orange, black hoops
4th - APOLOGY ACCEPTED (Jacob Opperman / Jarrod McLean) Maroon, blue & black cap
6th - SOLARO BREEZE (Shane Jackson / Jarrod McLean) Lime, pink diamond
Trial #5 - 880m (Hand-timed: 56.36)
2nd - LUCKY PLUTUS (Jarrod Lorensini / Terry & Karina O'Sullivan) Pink, blue squares, red cap
1st - JONJONJONNY (Declan Bates / John Ward) White, maroon cap
3rd - LUCKY MAC (Shane Jackson / Jarrod McLean) Lime, pink diamond
4th - REDEMPTION STREET (Jacob Opperman / Jarrod McLean) Maroon & blue, black cap
Trial #6 - 880m (Hand-timed: 59.58)
3rd - SALT OF THE EARTH (Jarrod Lorensini / Terry & Karina O'Sullivan) Pink & blue squares, red cap
1st - HARD 'N' TOUGH (Jacob Opperman / Jarrod McLean) Maroon & blue, black cap
2nd - POUR VOUS (Shane Jackson / Jarrod McLean) Lime, pink diamond
Casterton Sep 16th, 2019
Trial #1 - 880m (Hand-timed Last 800m 48.55)
2nd - HANDSOME FIGHTER (Declan Bates / Peter Chow) Blue, green, yellow sleeves
6th - MENZEL (Emily Brown / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Gold
4th - VALLEY OF HEARTS (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple & yellow diagonal stripes
3rd - BEACHGOER (Melissa Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, pink band
5th - JESTER COUNTRYGIRL (Grace Chantler / Kay Edwards) Light blue, black shamrock
1st - SNOWANNA (K Bohorun / Aaron Purcell) Purple, yellow, red cap
Trial #2 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 49.23)
3rd - SCHILLERTIN (Emily Brown / Matthew Williams) Gold
5th - NORDIC SYMPHONY (Melissa Julius / Symon Wilde) Pink, grey band
4th - CHORUS (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple, gold diagonal stripes
1st - QUIET CLASS (Cody Collins / Peter Hardacre) Black, teal, white sleeves
2nd - INSTIGATOR (Declan Bates / Aaron Purcell) Purple, yellow
Trial #3 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 50.44)
1st - HOWARD (Jacob Opperman / Matthew Williams) Blue, green, yellow sleeves
4th - ROSS'S POINT (K Bohorun / Aaron Purcell) Purple, gold red cap
5th - NOW AND FOREVER (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple, gold diagonal stripes
3rd - CLASSY MISS (Melissa Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, pink band
2nd - INTELLECTIVE (Emily Brown / Matthew Williams) Gold
Trial #4 - 880m (Last 800m Hand-timed: 49.82)
3rd - I DREAM OF JENA (Emily Brown / Matthew Williams) Gold
4th - FREESTYLER (Melissa Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, pink band
5th - JIMMY'S SECRET (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple, gold diagonal stripes
1st - MYSTIC PRINCE (K Bohorun / Aaron Purcell) Purple & gold
2nd - SCROLL (Jacob Opperman / Trevor White) Red, blue spots
Casterton Aug 12th, 2019
Trial #1 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 50.16)
2nd - THRILLS OF THRILLS (Emily Brown / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Gold
4th - READY SET SAIL (John Allen / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Green
8th - SET TO FIGHT (Declan Bates / Daniel Bowman) White
6th - DINGA (Mel Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, Black cap
5th - THE FUTURE KING (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey Pink band
7th - BEACHGOER (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple Yellow stripes
3rd - OUR BOY BAILEY (Christine Puls / Peter Hardacre) Purple Yellow circles
1st - MISS COOLANGATTA (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue Cap
Trial #2 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 48.72)
2nd - MALISEET (Emily Brown / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Gold
5th - RUBY CUE (C Collins / R Wilson) Purple, White maltese
3rd - PAUL'S REGRET (Declan Bates / Peter Chow) White
8th - LARENZA (L Halliday / Darren Kolpin) Black Yellow
1st - ARTWORKS (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue cap
4th - TURF BELLE (Jenna Edwards / Kaye Edwards) Pale Blue, Black Shamrocks
6th - CHUGGINGTON (S Bull / James Bull) Blue Yellow Hoops
7th - TRICK 'N' THE HOST (Jess Constantine / Jess Constantine) Pink
Trial #3 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 48.71)
2nd - RUBY EYES (Emily Brown / Matthew Williams) Gold
4th - HE'S ALL READY (Declan Bates / Daniel Bowman) White, Blue circles
3rd - AURORA’S SYMPHONY (Mel Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, Black Cap
6th - THAT’S OUR GIRL (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey Pink band
9th - VALLEY OF HEARTS (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple Yellow stripes
8th - DISTRESS SIGNAL (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue cap
7th - POUR VOUS (John Allen / Jarrod McLean) Lime Green, Pink Diamonds
5th - QUIET CLASS (Chrisine Puls / Peter Hardacre) Purple
1st - WANDO BEL (L Halliday / Darren Kolpin) Black Yellow
Trial #4 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 48.67)
1st - HEPTAGON (Emily Brown / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Gold
7th - MISCHA (Mel Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, Black cap
2nd - PROVOCATIVE MAN (C Collins / R Wilson) Purple
3rd - GINNY ANN (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey, Pink band
4th - CROWNED LIZZY (Declan Bates / Daniel Bowman) White, Blue circles
6th - FOXY'S STAR (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple/Yellow stripes
8th - HIDDEN LIMITS (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue cap
5th - BRYAN (John Allen / Jarrod McLean) Lime, Green, Pink Diamonds
Trial #5 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 47.45)
1st - YULONG MINISTER (Emily Brown / Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr) Gold, Purple cap
7th - SMASHING SELECTION (Declan Bates / Daniel Bowman) White, Blue circles
3rd - MUNTHAM MISSILE (G O'Loughlin / B O'Loughlin) Lime Green, Purple star, dark cap
4th - REAL ROY (Jenna Edwards / Kaye Edwards) Pale Blue, Black Shamrock
6th - COUNT LUCAS (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue cap
2nd - TIZA (L Halliday / Ricky Bruhn) Black/Yellow, Red cap
5th - TORPEDO MISS (John Allen / Daniel Bowman) Purple, Pink & Lime Green spots
Trial #6 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 47.09)
5th - INNKEEPER (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple & Yellow stripes
4th - TRAP FOR FOOLS (John Allen / Jarrod McLean) Lime, Green Pink Diamond
7th - PARTHESIA (Mel Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, Black cap
6th - EXCELSIOR STAR (Declan Bates / Paul Preusker) Blue, Maroon cap
2nd - CARAK (L Halliday / Ricky Bruhn) Black, yellow, Red Cap
3rd - SURPRISE BABY (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue cap
1st - ALSIVOR (Jenna Edwards / Sue Jaensch) Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue cap
Trial #7 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 50.39)
1st - STEALTHY LUCAS (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue cap
2nd - LEICA MAE (Declan Bates / Paul Preusker) Blue, Maroon cap
5th - LOOSE LIP LLOYD (G O'Loughlin / B O'Loughlin) Lime Green, Purple star
4th - DOUREKN (Ronan Short / Symon Wilde) Grey, Black band
3rd - THE MOCKING BIRD (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple & Yellow stripes
6th - DURANGO STAR (Mel Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, Pink band
Trial #8 - 880m (Hand-timed - Last 800: 49.96)
4th - LADY DELIGHT (D Lenehan / Symon Wilde) Purple & Yellow stripes
5th - EUROSYMBOL (Mel Julius / Symon Wilde) Grey, Black cap
1st - LORD OF DARKNESS (Holly McKechnie / Paul Preusker) Red, Blue cap
3rd - ROUGH BEAUTY (Declan Bates / Paul Preusker) Blue, Maroon cap
2nd - HIDDEN LIMITS (Ronan Short / Paul Preusker) Grey, Pink band