12 January, 2021
Trial #1: 800m (Hand-timed: 47.30)
2nd I'M STILL STANDING (M Lawrence / G Thornton) Royal Blue, Red and White striped sleeves
7th LADY LUCIE (D Cannon / D Cannon) Green, Gold quarters
3rd FIND YOUR MAN (Ethan Brown / L Smith) Black, Yellow seams
1st GARVOC (H Norman / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Yellow
4th KHAN OF KHANS (L Lafferty / L Smith) Orange
5th HAMPTON COURT x SUIT SUCCESS (J Martin / C Calthorpe) Black, Red & White sleeves
6th CRACKERJACK KING x ZUPABELLE (S Vella / K Vella) Black, Green sash
Trial #2: 800m (Hand-timed: 48.60)
1st FIGHTING HARADA (M Lawrence / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Green
2nd SCORPIUS (H Norman / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Yellow
6th TOP ARCTIC (S Vella / M Young) Black, Green sash
3rd TINTINWIN (Ethan Brown / L Smith) Black, Yellow seam
5th JULIETA (L Lafferty / L Smith) Orange
4th DANCE OF THUNDER (J Martin / C Calthorpe) Black, Red & White sleeves
Trial #3: 800m (Hand-timed: 50.40)
5th REDENTE x ACACIA QUEEN (D Cannon / D Cannon) Green & Gold quarters
2nd FIND YOUR MAN (L Lafferty / L Smith) Orange
1st ANDRESS (Ethan Brown / L Smith) Black, Yellow seam
3rd FIGHTING ARROW (J Martin / C Calthorpe) Black, red & white sleeves
4th THREE REBELS (J Andreou / G Bridges) Green, Red sleeves
Trial #4: 800m (Hand-timed: 47.80)
1st SANDSATION (M Lawrence / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Green
2nd TUVALU (Ethan Brown / L Smith) Black, Yellow seams
4th REGAL RULER (L Lafferty / L Smith) Orange
5th BONNIE BLUE BELL (J Andreou / G Bridges) Green, Red sleeve
3rd ROYAL EXIT (H Norman / M Williams) Yellow
6th MS POMPDROMETER (D Cannon / D Cannon) Green & Gold quarters
Trial #5: 800m (Hand-timed: 48.90)
2nd CONTINUANCE (Ethan Brown / L Smith) Black, Yellow seams
1st BEL MY PAGO (L Lafferty / L Smith) Orange
5th NIGHT REVEL (M Lawrence / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Green
3rd SENSE OF HONOUR (H Norman / M Price & M Kent Jnr) Yellow
4th PUCKAPUNYAL (S Jackson / L Smith) Orange, Green cap
2 December, 2020
Trial #1: 800m (Hand-timed: 49.50)
1st - THE WILD ONE (D Thornton / G Thornton) Royal blue, red and white stripe sleeves
4th - PRITCHETT (N Farley / B Cerchi) Black and Yellow squares
2nd - EIGHT SECONDS (D Ruby / B Stanaway) Black, emerald,white cap
3rd - I'M A BUONARROTI (S Vella / M Young) Red with a white gatecrasher
5th - JUST HANG UP (M Dunsheath / P Payne) Blue white spots and sleeves
Trial #2: 800m (Hand-timed: 50.60)
2nd - ONE POINT FIVE (D Thornton / G Thornton) Royal blue,red and white strip sleeve
1st - GROGANS ANVIL (N Farley / B Cerchi) Black and Yellow squares
3rd - FIRST MATE (S Vella / K Vella) Black and Green Sash
4th - DARWIN'S THEORY (M Dunseath / P Payne) Blue white spots and sleeve
Trial #3: 800m (Hand-timed: 50.90)
1st - SOMETHING GRAND (N Farley / J Scott) White, Red and Blue
2nd - UNICC STAR (M Price / V Malady) Black, green band
3rd - MAGIC CITY (???? / H Dwyer) Blue, White star
4th - TWELVE GAUGE (D Ruby / B Stanaway) Black, Emerald, white cap
Trial #4: 1000m (Hand-timed: 61.50)
5th - IANREX (D Ruby / B Stanaway) Black, emerald, Dark cap
1st - ONE PENNY RED (M Price / J Edwards) Pink, Black
3rd - HOSTILE TAKEOVER (???? / J Eady) Yellow jacket, Blue sleeves, White braces
4th - HEIR TO THE THRONE (D Thornton / H Dwyer) Navy, white star, green sleeves, white arm
2nd - PERFECT COVE (N Farley / B Cerchi) Black Yellow Check
Trial #5: 1000m (Hand-timed: 62.10)
4th - ARIVAKOVA (D Bates / A Alexander) Blue, light blue epaulettes
2nd - TYPICALLY BRAZEN (M Price / J Edwards) Pink, Black
1st - ELITE DRAKE (D Thornton / A Hinch) Sky Blue,navy and white check,sky blue sleeve
3rd - CACTUS KING (J Kennedy / D O'Sullivan) Black with white seams and armbands
Trial #6: 800m (Hand-timed: 60.20)
3rd -THE MITRE (???? / B Cerchi) Black and Yellow squares
1st - RUDY RUDE (J Kennedy / V Malady) Black with pale Green band
2nd - MR MOFEED (M Price / J Edwards) Pink, Black
4th - VALENTINOS ON (D Thornton / H Dwyer) Navy, White star, Green sleeves, White arms
5th - WITHOUT A CAUSE (N Farley / A Alexander) Blue, Light Blue Epaleutte
18 November, 2020
Trial #1: 800m (Hand-timed: 48.40)
2nd - HALOBEL (M Price / Jamie Edwards) Pink, Black
3rd - HENCH MAN (M Lawrence / A Hinch) White Black heck Body, All Sky Blue sleeves
1st - EL FABIO (S Vella / K Vella) Black, Lime sash
Trial #2: 800m (Hand-timed: 47.90)
2nd - MR MOFEED (M Price / J Edwards) Pink, Black
3rd - DEADLY EARNEST (L Lafferty / V Malady) Black, Pale Green Band
1st - POWER BOOM (D Thornton / G Thornton) Royal Blue, Red and White striped sleeves
Trial #3: 800m (Hand-timed: 61.20)
5th - TREELINE (M Price / J Edwards) Pink, Black
1st - CRYPTO SHAMEEL (L Lafferty / K Durden) Pink, Blue, Pink, Blue checked
2nd - LEGALE (D Thornton / G Thornton) Royal Blue, Red and White striped sleeves
4th - VALENTINE (S Vella / V Malady) Black, pale Green band
3rd - TYPICALLY BRAZEN (M Lawrence / J Edwards) Green, White
14 October, 2020
Trial #1: 800m (Hand-timed: 51.35)
3rd - Master Magnus (Georgia Harris / Danielle Loos) Royal Blue, Yellow star, Red, Yellow sleeves
LR - Moshe x ?? filly (Chris Caserta / Alisa Hinch) Purple, Green Jigsaw
1st - Zoudancer (Sam Payne / Leon & Leon Corstens) Black, Orange, Blue Cap
2nd - The Astrologist(Brent Albuino / Leon & Leon Corstens) Black, Orange, Blue, White Cap
4th - Frosted x ???? (Steve Vella / Mark Young) Red and White Gatecrasher
Trial #2: 800m (Hand-timed: 50.35)
5th - Toro Lad (Randy Tan / Danielle Loos) royal blue, yellow star, red yellow sleeves
6th - Foxwedge x Swift Sands (Mikaela Lawrence / Alisa Hinch) Sky blue navy, white check, blue sleeves
2nd - Sweet Home Alabamba (Brent Albuino / Leon Corstens) Black white motif white sleeve, white cap
4th - Alfoil (Sam Payne / Leon Corstens) Black, white motif, white sleeve, blue cap
3rd - Dependable Nite (Georgia Harris / Tony Parker) White red stripe
1st - Up (Steve Vella / Mark Young) Red and white gatecrasher
Trial #3: 800m (Hand-timed: 50.80)
2nd - Made of Iron (Brent Albuino / Leon Corstens) Black and Orange
5th - Henchman (Mikaela Lawrence / Alisa Hinch) Sky blue navy, white check, sky blue sleeves
1st - Sizzling Nymph (Georgia Harris / Tony Parker) Red, gold sash
3rd - My Brilliant Choice (Sam Payne / Leon Corstens) Black, white motif
6th - Shamus Award (unnamed) (Randy Tan / Chris Calthorpe) Purple Green jigsaw
4th - Buena Roti (Steve Vella / Mark Young) Red and white gatecrasher
Trial #4: 800m (Hand-timed: 49.60)
1st - Express (Sam Payne / Leon Corstens) Black, white motif
2nd - Black Prince Ruby (Georgia Harris / Kylie Vella)
3rd - El Fabio (Steve Vella / Kylie Vella) Black, Lime sash
4th - Gunna Gunna (Randy Tan / Chris Calthorpe) Black, red white, green epaulettes
5th - Ride Of A Lifetime ( ?? / Chris Calthorpe) Blue, red and yellow band sleeves
Trial #5: 1000m (Hand-timed: 63.40)
1st - Pay the Ransom (Mikaela Lawrence / Glenn Thornton) Purple green jigsaw
3rd - Stratessa (Georgia Harris / Henry Dwyer) Navy, white star, green sleeves, white armbands
6th - Ms Pompdrometer (Randy Tan / Rene Pompe) Yellow and turquoise
2nd - Dot (Sam Payne / Tony Parker) All Pink
4th - Lady Canford (Maddie Price / Jamie Edwards) Pink and Black
5th - Little Miss Gutsaa (Dylan Dunn / Jamie Edwards) Pink-white
Trial #6: 1000m (Hand-timed: 63.20)
4th - Hailey's Diva (NZ) (Maddie Price / Jamie Edwards) Pink and Black
3rd - Melitus (Dylan Dunn / Jamie Edwards) Pink and Black, white cap
2nd - Lovano (Randy Tan / Danielle Loos) Royal blue, yellow star, red yellow sleeves
1st - Triple Red (Mikaela Lawrence / Glenn Thornton) Purple and Green
5th - Loose Arrow (Sam Payne / Greg Webb) Green
Trial #7: 1000m (Hand-timed: 64.80)
1st - Naval Envoy (Sam Payne / Danielle Loos) Royal blue, yellow star, red yellow sleeves
6th - La Spezia (Dylan Dunn / Jamie Edwards) Pink and Black, white hat
4th - Hierachal (Butch Londregan / Butch Londregan) Blue, Red, Yellow
2nd - Chocolate Martini (Randy Tan / Rene Pompe) Yellow, Turquoise
3rd - Deploy and Destroy (Maddie Price / Jamie Edwards) Pink and Black
5th - Lexington Lad (Georgia Harris / Henry Dwyer) Navy, white star, green sleeves, white armbands
Trial #8: 1200m (Hand-timed: 1.22.35)
1st - Nostradam Man (Maddie Price / Greg Webb) Red cap, red heart, yellow
3rd - Howgooddis x Plumbing (Georgia Harris / Steve Pateman) Black with centre stripe black sleeves
2nd - Disco Connolly (Sam Payne / Steve Pateman) Pink, black diamonds, blue cap
3 March 2020
Trial #1: 800m (48.35 HT)
3rd PINTOFF (G Cartwright / R Cully) Blue White spots, white sleeves
2nd FLYING HERCULES (S Vella / K Vella) White, red sleeves, blue & white cap, pom pom
1st EURO FLASH (D Bates / D Bowman) White, red striped sleeves, maroon cap
4th CREMANT (D Holland / D Bowman) Red, white band, sleeves, dark cap
5th OFFICE BEARER x DALAVICHI (W Gordon / C Calthorpe) Black, white sleeves
Trial #2: 800m (50.42 HT)
1st - BLACK PRINCE RUBY (S Vella / K Vella) Light blue, stars, red sleeves, blue & white cap, pom pom
3rd FALTONIUS (D Ruby / B Stanaway) Black, white sash, Emerald sleeves, Dark cap
4th OFFICE BEARER x BAHAMIAN STAR (W Gordon / C Calthorpe) Black & white, dark cap
2nd ROBBIES STAR (D Bates / P Chow) White, red striped sleeves, Maroon cap
Trial #3: 800m (48.67)
3rd DILETTANTE (W Gordon / C Calthorpe) Black & White
2nd I'M STILL STANDING (D Thornton / G Thornton) Blue, red, white
4th TWILIGHT ZONE (D Ruby / B Stanaway) Black, emerald sleeves, white cap
1st GOLDEN EGG (D Holland / S Ferchie) Pink & Grey, black cap
Trial #4: 800m (59.67)
3rd AMAZING MAGNUS (C Marshall / C Marshall) Green, gold sleeves
2nd RAKTOFF (G Cartwright / R Cully) Blue, White spots, White sleeves
8th HAKY (D Bates / A Alexander) Navy, Light Blue epaulettes, maroon cap
1st LORD KENSINGTON (N Farley / A Alexander) Red
6th DORTORT (W Gordon / S Pateman) White, light blue sleeves
5th COSTANO MILLE (D Ruby / B Stanaway) Black Emerald sleeves, White cap
4th LOVANO (B Briggin / D Loos) Green, yellow sash, white sleeves
7th TOO DARN CUTE (D Larsson / D Larsson) Blue, pink stars
Trial #5: 800m (60.21)
5th TEN NUGGETS (C Marshall / C Marshall) Green, gold sleeves
4th ZERETTE (N Farley / A Alexander) Red
1st MIRETTE (D Bates / A Alexander) Navy, light blue sleeves
7th MARYFROMTHEDAIRY (W Gordon / S Pateman) White, light blue sleeves
3rd MILL THE SECOND (D Holland / S Ferche) Black & Grey
6th BELTUN (D Larsson / D Larsson) Blue, pink star
2nd DULCIE (D Thornton / G Thornton) Blue, red, white
Trial #6: 800m (62.19)
2nd TURIN WARRIOR (D Bates / A Alexander) Navy, Light Blue
4th DISCO CONNOLLY (W Gordon / S Pateman) White, light blue sleeves
1st PORT BERRY (D Holland / S Ferchie) Pink & Grey
3rd ANEWDAYDAWNING (D Thornton / M Townsend) Black, green sleeves
5th OUR SONNY BOY (D Larsson / D Larsson) Blue, pink stars
23 December 2019
Trial #1: 800m (Time to come)
SAVOIR FAIRE (L Williams / L Smith) White, Red waratah
HIMIKO (B Allen / L Smith) Black, Orange spots
RATHER FANTASTIC (P Bell / L Smith) Green, Gold
PERFECT COVE (J Lyon / B Cerchi) Yellow, Black check, Black cap
ZUPAWINK (S Vella / K Vella) Green, Yellow
DANDY DIAMOND (J Cartwright / B Cerchi) Yellow, Black check, Black cap
MILES AHEAD (J Childs / A Alexander) Blue
SILVER MAYNE (D Thornton / G Thornton), Blue, White, Red
BLACK CHAMPAGNE (M Payne / M Payne) Blue, Yellow
Trial #2: 800m (Time to come)
CAPITAL ZOUS (L Williams / L Smith) White, Red waratah
ZOUDINI (B Allen / L Smith) Black, Orange Spots
ROYAL PERFORMANCE (P Bell / L Smith) Green, Gold check
MOST ELEGANT (J Lyon / B Cerchi) Black, Yellow check
RELIABLE MAN x FIFTH AVENUE (J Childs / A Alexander) Red & Blue
RELIABLE MAN x CROSS RATE (N Farley / A Alexander) Blue
OLLIVANDER (D Thornton / G Thornton) Red, White, Blue
ZOUPREMO (J Cartwright / L Smith) Yellow, Blue sleeve
SWEET ROCKETTE (M Payne / M Payne) Pink, White
Trial #3: 800m (Time to come)
BACKSTREET ALLEY (J Lyon / B Cerchi) Yellow, Black check
OUR SONNY BOY (D Larsson / D Larsson) Blue, Pink stars
HAVASTAR (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
PALACE GATES (N Farley / J Scott) White, Red, Blue
MUNICIPALITY (D Thornton / G Thornton) Red, White, Blue
TUNIC CHAMPAGNE (M Payne / M Payne) Blue with Yellow
SASSY REBEL (B Allen / L Smith) Yellow, Black sleeve
IMPLOSION (L Williams / L Smith) White Red
Trial #4: 800m (Time to come)
FLINTOFFKING (L Williams / L Smith) White, Red waratah
CORNER POCKET (P Bell / L Smith) Green, yellow check
MYSTERY SHOT (B Allen / L Smith) Yellow, Blue sleeve
ALPHA LANE (J Lyon / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Red
FORLIAH (H Gillie / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue
PRESS STATEMENT x INCREDULOUS (H Coffey / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue & cerise
LIFE OF WALDO (D Thornton / G Thornton) Blue, White, Red
LITTLE MANNIX (M Payne / M Payne) White
HELMITON (P Audere / M Payne) Blue, Yellow & White
Trial #5: 800m (Time to come)
KING KABUTO (H Gillie / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue
QUINTELLO (H Coffey / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue, cerise, maltese cross
FORBID ME NOT (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
LADY MAKFI (E Brown / M Williams) Yellow
ETOILE BRILLIANTE (J Childs / A Alexander) Blue, light blue
TOORAK TOFF x FUSAICUI QUEEN (N Farley / A Alexander) Red
Trial #6: 800m (Time to come)
TENACIOUS (B Allen / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Red, Dark Blue cap
FRANKEL x THAI NOON (H Coffey / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue, Cerise, maltese cross
BLONDE CHOICE (H Gillie / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue
CHAILLOT (N Farley / A Alexander)
ANEWDAYDAWNING (L Williams / M Townsend) Black, White check, Red sleeves
AY CARUMBA (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Grey, Pink band
CARRERA TO THE MAX (Emily Brown / M Price & M Kent) Yellow
Trial #7: 800m (Time to come)
CHEEKY LUCKY (J Lurewini / C Quick) Black, Yellow sash
CRISSCROSS (D Thornton / M Williams) Green
TOUGH VIC (L Williams / A Chambers) White, Blue, black diamonds
RAPID RIDE (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Pink, Grey band
JANE'S ANGEL (E Brown / M Williams) Yellow
Trial #8: 1000m (Time to come)
CONFUSION (D Thornton / M Williams) Green
HAVALILLY (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Pink, Grey band
MY PSYCHIATRIST (C Marshall / C Marshall) Green, Yellow
BULLET TRAIN x DUCHESS DAISY (J Lyon / A Hinch) Blue, White
COURT DEEP (H Coffey / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue, Cerise, maltese cross
INSPIRANTE (J Baldock / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Yellow
JAZZ STAR (B Allen / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Red
PENTHOUSE PLAYBOY (H Gillie / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue
Trial #9: 1000m (Time to come)
POPE JOAN (J Lyon / R Blacker) Green, Black Epaulettes
FIGHTING SPIRIT (D Thornton / A Hinch) Light Blue
SHAMUS AWARD x SUB ATLANTIC (Emily Brown / A Hinch) Light Blue check, Blue cap, Yellow pom pom
POOR SAM (J Baldock / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Yellow
READY TO INDULGE (H Coffey / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue, cerise, maltese cross
SHE'S A KARAKA (H Gillie / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue
THINK BLEUE (B Allen / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Red
Trial #10: 1000m (Time to come)
SOLLEVARE (D Thornton / MWilliams) Green
SET US FREE (J Lyon / R Blacker) Green, Black Epaulettes
PRIZE (L Williams / S Wilde) Maroon, Yellow maltese cross
HARD 'N' TOUGH (J Cartwright / S Wilde) Blue, light blue epaulettes
MIGHTY OASIS (H Gille / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue
MISS TESER (H Coffey / Ciaron Maher & David Eustace) Blue, cerise maltese cross
THEBOLT (N Farley / A McDonald) Blue, light blue epaulettes
NEWBURY (B Allen / D Maher) Red
9 January 2019
(Back straight from 1600m shoot to 800m)
Trial #1: 800m (Hand-timed: 49.73)
1st - FABIAN'S SPIRIT (Shane Jackson / Darren Weir) Blue, white cap
2nd - ENGLISH GAMBLER (Michael Poy / Darren Weir) Green & yellow checks
3rd - LORD OF THE TURF (Kujiro Mori / Aaron Purcell) Purple, gold yoke & armbands
4th - SPA (Steven Vella / Mel Cunningham) Navy Blue, light blue stripes
Trial #2: 800m (Hand-timed: 48.94)
1st - ACCREDITATION (Michael Poy / Darren Weir) Green & yellow checks
2nd - HONEY PRINCESS (Alana Kelly / Nick Smart) Royal Blue & white
3rd - BIG BAD BAZ (Shane Jackson / Darren Weir) Blue, white cap
Trial #3: 800m (Hand-timed: 49.06)
1st - SIGNATURE STREET (Michael Poy / Darren Weir) Green & yellow checks
2nd - KING MOMBASSA (Shane Jackson / Darren Weir) Blue, white cap
3rd - MILLIONMOSS (Alana Kelly / Nick Smart) Royal blue & white
4th - ZEBULON (Kujiro Mori / Aaron Purcell) Purple, gold yoke & sleeves
5th - KING OF THE FOREST (Butch Londregan / Butch Londregan) Orange, white sash, grey sleeves